April 13, 2023
Coastal South Carolina State Senators and avid outdoorsmen, Stephen Goldfinch and Chip Campsen, have introduced two resolutions over the last two weeks that call on the state’s congressional delegation to secure funding for state-led harvest data collection efforts and to assist in finding a better alternative to the recently proposed vessel speed restrictions.
“SCBFA appreciates the leadership of Sens. Goldfinch and Campsen, two great leaders who continue to be champions for the state’s boating and fishing industry,” said SCBFA President and CEO Gettys Brannon. “We continue to see great bipartisan efforts from members of the state legislature to ensure we preserve and protect boating and fishing, two pastimes that continue to have a huge impact on our state’s economy and its people.”
S.697 calls on the state’s congressional delegation to secure funding that would allow the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to develop a program for recreational offshore harvest data collection.
Current federal policy only allows for one to two days of Red Snapper fishing.
Here are the key points from S.697
S.712 encourages the state’s congressional delegation to assist in seeking alternative efforts to protect North Atlantic Right Whales while also protecting local economies along the coast and the state’s boating and fishing industry.
The proposed restriction would impose a 10-knot speed restriction for nearly half the year out to 40 nautical miles for vessels 35 feet or greater.
SCBFA staunchly opposes the proposed restriction due to the lack of data, the safety threats it would cause, and the economic distress it would cause communities along the coast.
Here are the key points from S.712:
“At the end of the day, it’s all about common sense and ensuring boaters and anglers have a seat at the table which is what these two resolutions boil down to,” said Brannon. “We support good science and true measures to protect the North American Right Whale and sustain healthy snapper counts, yet neither of the current federal policies achieve that.”
For more information on how to contact your state legislator or congressman, visit www.scstatehouse.gov/legislatorssearch.php
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